Neck Mass by Chronic Lymphadenitis

Chronic Lymphadenitis

This is a condition in which your lymph nodes are inflamed and enlarged. Lymph nodes are the part of the immune system that fights and prevents illness. Normal lymph nodes are tinny ovoid lumps, is not noticeable, along the lymphatic network. One of main functions of lymph nodes or lymph system is to identify and remove infections. Therefore, lymphadenitis may occur when there is a persistent or severe infection by bacteria, viruses, etc.. Lymph nodes may be swelling or become enlarged (inflammation) and noticeable in response to the infection.

Symptoms include a single or multiple swollen or enlarged lymph nodes around the neck. The swelling nodes are general painless, movable (but not move with swallowing), but tenderness. In some cases, the structure connected to the lymph nodes is infected leading to a large swelling area in the neck. There may be enlarged lymph nodes in the other part of the body, or other signs of infection such as fever.

Please go to see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment if there are signs of enlarged lymph nodes.