Eye Floater by Vitreous Haemorrhage

Eye Floater by Vitreous Hemorrhage

Vitreous hemorrhage is a medical condition in which there is the leakage of blood from blood vessels into vitreous humor of the eye. Vitreous humor is the clear gel that transmits light to the retina for the visual perception. The blood into the vitreous can cause floaters. People with diabetes, trauma, retina tears and PVD (posterior vitreous detachment) are at increased risk of vitreous hemorrhage.

Symptoms include the sudden appearance of floaters and blurred vision. In severe cases when there are large amount of blood into vitreous, the vision is significantly reduced or blocked. The floaters appear be dark-dots when there are only a few, cobwebs appearance when there are hundreds of dots, or haze when large amount of blood in the vitreous.  There may be reddish tint, or light flashes in vision as well.

Please go to see your doctor as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment when you see floaters. Please go to see doctor right way if there is vision loss.