Chest Pain by Angina

Chest Pain by Angina

Angina is the common term of angina pectoris, and caused by the reduced blood supply to the heart muscle. People with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol, stress, obesity and the elderly are at the high risk of angina.

The common symptom is the chest pain, squeezing, and tightness/choking sensation, which usually lasts about a few minutes. The pain can radiate to the left side of neck/shoulder or the left arm, and chest constriction. There are also symptoms including shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea and vomiting due to reactive actions of the nerve system to the heart attack.

Please to go see your doctor for diagnosis and treatments if there is any above symptoms, or any sign that concern you. See your doctor right way if the chest pain lasts longer than a few minutes, or if you suspect having a heart attack.

Difference between heart attack and angina: Angina is mild and caused by blood supply reduction. Heart attack is caused by the complete or extensive loss of blood supply to the heart muscle. Both have chest pain, but heart attack has more severe and extensive pain.  Angina is triggered by stress or exertion, and heart attack occurs often without a warning. Angina lasts only a few minutes generally less than 15 min. The duration of heart attack is much longer than that of angina.