Hypotension by Orthostatic or Postural Hypotention

Hypotension by Orthostatic or Postural Hypotention

Orthostatic hypotension also known as postural hypotension is a form of hypotension caused by the gravity of the blood in changing position, usually from lying down or siting position to standing up position.  The gravity tends to pool the blood to the lower parts of the body. Because it is tightly controlled by the nerve system, however, people generally maintain normal blood pressure when changing position. Orthostatic hypotension occurs more in the elderly, or the people who have chronic diseases, or who take medicines that depress blood pressure.

Symptoms include the dizziness when or after standing up, lightheadedness, and possible headache or nausea.

If above symptoms occur often and long lasting, please go to see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.