Hypertension by Coarctation of Aorta (artery defect)

Hypertension by Coarctation of Aorta (artery defect)

Coarctation of the aorta is an artery defect of a narrowing aorta that is generally present at the birth (congenital defect). The aorta is the main artery from the heart extending to the abdomen, supplying the blood to the lower part of the body. When the aorta is narrowing, the heart pumps harder to push the blood through the narrowing aorta, causing high blood pressure in the arms.

Symptoms vary from people to people depending on the degree of the narrowing. When symptoms appear or with severe narrowing, there are high blood pressure in arms only, headache, dizziness, and palpitation. There is leg pain, or cold legs or feet due to low blood pressure in the legs (caused by narrowed aorta). Small children who have severe coarctation may have shortness of breath, pale skin, heavy sweeting, and slow growth.

Please to go see your doctor for diagnosis and treatments if there are above symptoms, or any sign that concern you.