Blood in Stool by Ulcerative Colitis

Blood in Stool by Ulcerative Colitis

This is chronic an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causing long-lasting inflammation and ulcers in the colon and rectum. It produces ulcers or open sore in the inner lining of the GI tract. The cause is not well-known but is associated with bacteria and virus infection.

Symptoms in GI system include abdominal pain or cramping, repeated low grade fever, repeated or consistent diarrhea. These are due to the chronic inflammation of GI. In severe cases, there is bloody stool or bloody diarrhea with blood (dark red or red color and pus). Symptoms in ulcerative colitis are similar with Crohn’s disease, but ulcerative colitis doesn’t affect extra-intestinal systems.

Please go to see your doctor if there are signs of GI inflammation as listed above.