Abdominal Mass by Enlarged Liver (none Cancer)

Enlarged Liver (none Cancer)

The liver is the body’s vital organ that plays essential roles in metabolism including energy production, food digestion, and toxicity removing.  The liver itself is large and located in the upper abdomen, but is covered under the rib-cage. Therefore, the normal liver cannot be palpated with fingertips.

The enlarged liver also known as hepatomegaly is a medical condition that can be caused by multiple diseases such as liver infection, heart failure, toxicity, alcoholism, malnutrition or cancer.

Symptoms are abdominal pain, yellow skin or jaundice. The enlarged liver at early stage may not have any sign or symptoms. As it progresses, enlarged liver may be palpated at upper right abdomen.

Please to go see your doctor for diagnosis and treatments if there is any above symptom, or any sign that concern you.