Goiter by Graves Diseases

Goiter by Graves Diseases

Graves’ disease is an illness in the thyroid gland. It is caused by the immune system disorder that results in the overproduction of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism), subsequently overgrowth of the gland (goiter). Graves’ disease is a common cause of hyperthyroidism and goiter, more often in young adult and women.

Symptoms typically include swelling thyroid gland (Goiter), bulging eyes, along with symptoms of hyperthyroidism. The thyroid hormone act to enhance body’s metabolic rates such as increasing heartbeats. Hyperthyroidism has rapid heartbeat (palpitations), frequent defecation, tremors/shaking, and weight loss.

Treatment: If you have goiter and signs of hyperthyroidism, please go to see your doctor for diagnosis and treatments.