Body Pain by Hyperparathyroidism


Hyperparathyroidism is an illness in which the parathyroid glands in your neck produce excessive parathyroid hormone (PTH). Hyperparathyroidism generally is harmful to calcium rich organs such as the bone and muscle by taking calcium from them and subsequently raising calcium level in the blood. The causes of Hyperparathyroidism are related with age, gender, environmental and other medical conditions. It is comment in age > 50 and women, although it can occur in other groups.

The most cases of hyperparathyroidism have mild or non-specific symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, depression, nausea and loss of appetite. As it progresses, bone pain, muscle soreness, and bone/joint tenderness occurs. Bone pain occurs often in the spine and the pelvis. It has other symptoms including leg weakness, fragile bones (easy to fracture), and excessive urination and kidney stone (due to excessive calcium in the blood/urine).

Treatments: If you have any symptoms of hyperparathyroidism, please go to see your doctor for diagnosis and treatments.