Hearing Loss by Middle Ear Infection (otitis media)

Ear Infection (otitis media)

The middle ear infection is often seen in young children. Repeated middle ear infection along with (1) persistent fluids in the middle ear and (2) perforation of the ear drum can cause chronic otitis media. All these can affect the hearing and increase the risk of getting hearing loss.

Symptoms typically include fever and ear pain or earache (excessive fussy/irritable in infant). There is a sudden but usually temporary conductive hearing loss in the affected ear, if the eardrum is perforated or ruptured. There may be drainage of fluid from the ear.

Treatments: Ear infection heals itself in a few days in most cases.  Please go to see your doctor if fever lasts more than 1 or 2 days with ear pain or sleepless/cry seen in infant or toddler. Ear pain with fluid discharge from the ear should see doctor as quickly as possible.