Hearing Loss by Eardrum Tear (perforated eardrum)

Eardrum Tear (perforated eardrum)

The eardrum is a thin layer of tissue that separates the outer ear (ear canal) and middle ear. Damaging to it can results in conductive hearing loss. The Eardrum tear or perforation can happen as a result of extremely loud sound, ear infection, trauma, a rapid change of ear pressure (e.g. flying).

Symptoms include fluid discharge in ear canal, ear pain, and hearing loss. The loss of hearing is usually temporary. Other symptoms such as vertigo, or nausea/vomiting (due to vertigo), or tinnitus (ring or other sound in the ear) may appear as well.

Treatments: Please go to see your doctor if there is any sign of the eardrum tear or perforation, particularly if there is the ear pain with the fluid drainage from ear canal.